Sunday, February 15, 2009

Quotes on Homekeeping / Motherhood

I know I'm posting a lot of quotes, and I have just added these three to my sidebar, but thought they were too good to go unnoticed there. And while you may think I must be a great keeper at home, etc., it is not my intention to portray myself as such, for that would be hypocritical. There are so many areas of homekeeping (and other things) of which I am woefully lacking, and it's only by God's grace that I progress at all. But I hope to inspire and encourage by posting all these quotes or any of the successes God gives me.

“And if men say, ‘what is this? A woman playeth the housewife, she spinneth on her distaff, and this is all that women can do.’ As in deed there are a number of fools that when they speak of women’s distaffs, of seeing to their children, will make a scorn of it, and despise it. But what then? What saith the heavenly Judge? That he is well pleased with it, and accepteth of it, and putteth it in his reckoning. So then let women learn to rejoice when they do their duty, and though the world despise it, let this comfort sweeten all respect they might have that way, and say, ‘God seeth me here, and his Angels, who are sufficient witnesses of my doings, although the world do not allow of them.’” -- As recorded in A Sermon of Master John Calvine, upon the first Epistle of Paul, to Timothie, published for the benefite and edifying of the Churche of God (London: G. Bishop and T. Woodcoke, 1579), excerpted from Calvin’s sermon on 1 Timothy 2:13-15.

"The career of motherhood and homemaking is beyond value and needs no justification. Its importance is incalculable." - Katherine Short

"No occupation in this world is more trying to soul and body than the care of young children. What patience and wisdom, skill and unlimited love it calls for. God gave the work to mothers and furnished them for it, and they cannot shirk it and be guiltless." - Isabella Alden with Mrs. C. M. Livingston, Diverse Women

1 comment:

Robert said...

The John Calvin quote is a good one! It shows that the world's negative view of a housewife is not a new one.