Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Gospel Assurance and Warnings by Paul Washer - Book Review

There are many important warnings and tests in this book, on target, and with hope for the struggling.  Nevertheless, it was not an easy read for me.  My sins were called out in detail, and I could hardly determine whether I have the love and faith of God in me.  Yet in the end I was encouraged, though convicted, and more concerned for the lost.  This is a book everyone should read.  Was it perfect? Probably not, as humans never are, but much of it was directly from God's Word, and thus to be carefully, seriously considered. The part about striving for God (or the violent taking it by force) was, in my mind, a somewhat questionable interpretation, but in general I think true.  There are various cases in which God has worked on a person suddenly (like the apostle Paul), and the author admitted that, but this part seemed to deny the sudden, unsought conversion (probably unintentionally). Overall it was very good.