Monday, March 15, 2010


Last night we watched Jerusalem and Athens: Antithesis Between Hebrew and Greek Cultures — by Douglas W. Phillips. It was very good and thought-provoking. (It can be found among the "History of the World" DVD set on

One of the main themes on this DVD was "What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?" - Tertullian

Though I have enjoyed watching super-hero movies, I wonder if they are really good to watch after watching this DVD....Half man, half god? That's what the pagan gods of Greece were, and what most super-heroes are, in essence, even if it doesn't call them "gods."

I'm reading this really good book called The Bible and the Closet: or, How we may read the Scriptures with the most spiritual profit by Thomas Watson and Samuel Lee. It was written in the 1800s, but is quite readable and useful.

Here are a couple of quotes to whet your appetite. (You can read the whole book on google books.)

"Christ loved us more than his own life; nay, though we had a hand in his death, yet that he should not leave us out of his will. This is a love that passeth knowledge; who can read this without seriousness?" - p. 22

"Pride is an enemy to profiting. It has been said that the ground on which a peacock sits is barren; that heart where pride sits is really barren." - p. 25

"The most eminent saints have been of low stature in their own eyes; like the sun at the zenith, they showed least when they were at their highest." - p. 25


Anonymous said...

Excellent quotes, food for thought.

Nishant said...

nice post
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