Sunday, April 26, 2009

Trying Haiku

Morning Launch
Originally uploaded by Fort Photo
Golden dawn...
Soft swoops of sound

Friday, April 24, 2009


Berried Cedar Waxwing
Originally uploaded by Fort Photo
Things I'm thankful for today:

* Songs of praise to God (I enjoy "Doxology" by Sandi Patty)
* Jobs to do, like vacuuming and baking
* Chocolate cake (I mustn't let it burn)
* Joel and Charity are coming here tonight!
* Cool air (AC, though it's not overly hot outside, either)
* Birds (we can see more from our back yard here, because there are more trees)
* Bible reading and family to enjoy it with
* My own little room (though I enjoyed sharing a room with my sister, too)
* New furniture and tools
* A greater sense of purpose

Thank you, God!

What are you thankful for today? Even if you aren't having a good day, there must be something you can think of that is good. :) In fact, we should even be happy for the trials we go through (easier said than done, I know)!

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. - James 1:2-3

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Quote Time

We've been busy moving. God blessed us with a good house to rent, and we are enjoying the sweet Christian people here.

Here's a quote from Spurgeon's book, The Treasury of David.

From Chapter 14, verse 3 of the Psalms.
"There is none that doeth good, no not one." Origen maketh a question how it could be said that there was none, neither among the Jews nor Gentiles, that did any good; seeing there were many among them which did clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and did other good things: he hereunto maketh this answer:--That like as one that layeth a foundation, and buildeth upon it a wall or two, yet cannot be said to have built a house till he have finished it; so although those might do some good things, yet they attained not unto perfect goodness, which was only to be found in Christ. But this is not the apostle's meaning only to exclude men from the perfection of justice; for even the faithful and believers were short of that perfection which is required; he therefore showeth what men are by nature, all under sin and in the same state of damnation, without grace and faith in Christ: if any perform any good work, either it is of grace, and so not of themselves, or if they did it by the light of nature, they did it not as they ought, and so it was far from a good work indeed. -- Andrew Willet (1562-1621), on Romans iii, 10.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Things To Ponder

Though it's after April Fool's Day, I thought I'd link to some thought-provoking things, like this quiz....It was very humbling for me.

As a side note, does it seem right to make a fool of others? Here are a couple convicting articles about that. Is it ever right to deceive others, even in fun? I've always thought it was okay, but I'm beginning to wonder....

And this article, though not quite on topic, was very thought-provoking, too:
Now, it's a little hard to know where to start or what I should be doing. I want to be seeking the Lord and my mom about that. Thankfully, my mom has already given me some direction by having me work on her Hebrew alphabet book. Hopefully this will give me new vigor for helping her with that. :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Titus 2 Women...Links

"The Clothes Line" by Helen Allingham

Womanhood has changed over the years. Today most women seem to want to throw off the old norms of staying home and raising children. Even some who stay home are not becoming the best homemakers. I see more and more how I fail in this. Can this change? I believe it can, if I trust God and earnestly desire and seek His molding of my heart. He alone can change me. Please pray for me.

So, as I am not really qualified to write about this as of yet, I will post links about it.

This is a wonderful little article by the Serven Clan about the ways you can be a spiritual mother and daughter:
Spiritual Mothers and Daughters

Here is a daughter whom, I believe, has been well-occupied in her time, and seeks to improve daily. She seems to take delight in cooking and does beautiful work. Please take a look at her two articles:
Women Who Have Gone Before Us

Never Underestimate the Significance of...