Thursday, October 6, 2011

Scientific Validity of the Bible

Scientific Validity of the Bible

Read my brother's fascinating article for this and more:


Lilac Bud Gal said...


I'm sorry to leave repeated comments on your blog, but I wasn't sure if you got my other one. You entered for the giveaway that is going on over at my blog, Through the Lilac Bushes, and I just needed to know if you wanted me to publish your comments. You put your email address at the end of each, so I didn't know if you wanted to keep that private. If you are fine with me publishing them, then I shall do so. :) You are officially entered, just so you know. :)

In Christ's Service,

Melissa M. said...

Thank you for asking. :) I am okay with making it public.

Lilac Bud Gal said...

Alright, thanks! :)