Sunday, August 3, 2014

Starting at the Finish Line - Book Review

This may be a good book for the Mormon or anyone who trusts in his own "good works," or those who wish to understand and witness to Mormons.

With Bible verses, illustrative stories, and his own experiences in Mormonism, Mr. Wallace shows that salvation is ALL of grace, of Jesus, not Jesus plus anything else.  The only things I found confusing at times were his thoughts about the Old Testament laws vs. NT grace (p. 121 in particular), but I think he does believe as I do about people be saved the same way in Old Testament days and new--by faith, as he mentioned the example of Abraham.  I think there was also a bit of Arminian doctrine, as in God loves/died for everyone, and some confusion on whether you can lose your salvation or not. But I liked that the author loves the Mormon people, and it's overall a pretty good book that hopefully will reach a lot of Mormons.