It is good--half movie, half documentary, and has a few quotes from Spurgeon and his sermons. "Look and live"--what a wonderful, simple truth! Jesus, if we are His, has paid it all!
Randomly, here are a few recent photos I took from the first month of 2012.
Jan. 7 - A walk with friends
Jan.11 - A painting I was working on (done, now!)
Jan. 15 - Some odd sort of sheep (at least the one on the left is odd!)
Jan. 17 - Looking at God's beautiful creation on a walk
Jan. 17 - Looking at God's beautiful, fascinating creation on a walk
I am a sinner saved only by the grace of God through Jesus Christ. I am the youngest of eight and was homeschooled by my two wonderful parents all the way through high school. My dad went to be with the Lord in September of 2006, and his passing has left a gap, but we treasure his life's godly legacy.
This blog is a place for me to share my learning experiences, but it will also (more often) chronicle various events in my life, book and movie reviews, and theological quotes.
As for the title and verse on my blog? I am not the excellent seamstress that this may imply, and clothing is not my focus, but I do aspire to follow God's Word and plan for womanhood. I liked the sound of this verse and thought it would lend to a good header, and I originally thought I would be doing more sewing projects to share! :) But life whirls by, and there is much more to learn than just sewing. I want to have the heart of the Proverbs 31 woman, which seems to be a woman of industry, quality, and care--God help me to so become!
All content, be it photos or writing, is under copyright by the author, Melissa M. (except in the case of quotes from other authors), and may not be used without permission.
I do not necessarily condone everything that is on the sites I link to. If you see anything glaringly wrong on any of them, please write me a message and I'll check it out and think about removing the link.
"Home is the grandest of all institutions." - Charles H. Spurgeon
"Reading a great work of literature can truly be likened to having a conversation with a great mind." -Jennie Chancey
"The career of motherhood and homemaking is beyond value and needs no justification. It's importance is incalculable." - Katherine Short
"No occupation in this world is more trying to soul and body than the care of young children. What patience and wisdom, skill and unlimited love it calls for. God gave the work to mothers and furnished them for it, and they cannot shirk it and be guiltless." - Isabella Alden with Mrs. C. M. Livingston, Diverse Women
"We are women, and my plea is Let me be a woman, holy through and through, asking for nothing but what God wants to give me, receiving with both hands and with all my heart whatever that is." -Elisabeth Elliot
“Why do women want to dress like men when they’re fortunate enough to be women? Why lose femininity, which is one of our greatest charms? We get more accomplished by being charming than we would be flaunting around in pants and smoking. I’m very fond of men. I think they are wonderful creatures. I love them dearly. But I don’t want to look like one. When women gave up their long skirts, they made a grave error…" -Tasha Tudor
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. - Proverbs 31:30
"I am convinced that the influence of an army of godly women will be incalculable--in our homes, our churches, and our culture. Will you be one of those women?" -Nancy Leigh DeMoss
She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. -Proverbs 31:13
"If we had no Winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; If we did not sometimes taste adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." -Anne Bradstreet
And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. -Colossians 3:23-24
"A gracious woman retaineth honor: and strong men retain riches." -Proverbs 11:16
And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. -Genesis 2:18
"To nourish children and raise them against odds is in any time, any place, more valuable than to fix bolts in cars or design nuclear weapons." -Marilyn French
She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. -Proverbs 31:27-29
My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary. -Martin Luther
Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God and the permissible delights of the soul. -J. S. Bach
A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. -Leopold Stokowski
"If I could give you information of my life it would be to show how a woman of very ordinary ability has been led by God in strange and unaccustomed paths to do in His service what He has done in her. And if I could tell you all, you would see how God has done all, and I nothing. I have worked hard, very hard, that is all; and I have never refused God anything." -Florence Nightingale
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. - Phillipians 4:8
“And if men say, ‘what is this? A woman playeth the housewife, she spinneth on her distaff, and this is all that women can do.’ As in deed there are a number of fools that when they speak of women’s distaffs, of seeing to their children, will make a scorn of it, and despise it. But what then? What saith the heavenly Judge? That he is well pleased with it, and accepteth of it, and putteth it in his reckoning. So then let women learn to rejoice when they do their duty, and though the world despise it, let this comfort sweeten all respect they might have that way, and say, ‘God seeth me here, and his Angels, who are sufficient witnesses of my doings, although the world do not allow of them.’” -- As recorded in A Sermon of Master John Caluine, upon the first Epistle of Paul, to Timothie, published for the benefite and edifying of the Churche of God (London: G. Bishop and T. Woodcoke, 1579), excerpted from Calvin’s sermon on 1 Timothy 2:13-15.
"Godly womanhood ... the very phrase sounds strange in our ears. We never hear it now. We hear about every other type of women: beautiful women, smart women, sophisticated women, career women, talented women, divorced women. But so seldom do we hear of a godly woman - or of a godly man either, for that matter.We believe women come nearer to fulfilling their God-given function in the home than anywhere else. It is a much nobler thing to be a good wife, than to be Miss America. It is a greater achievement to establish a Christian home than it is to produce a second-rate novel filled with filth. It is a far, far better thing in the realms of morals to be old-fashioned, than to be ultra-modern. The world has enough women who know how to be smart. It needs women who are willing to be simple. The world has enough women who know how to be brilliant. It needs some who will be brave. The world has enough women who are popular. It needs more who are pure. We need women, and men, too, who would rather be morally right than socially correct."